Friday, July 2, 2010

Sun and fun

Terrific cruise today. We got underway about 9:00 AM from Appletree Cove and caught the ebb tide  down Admiralty Inlet past Port Townsend to Haro Strait and the San Juan Islands. We saw harbor seals and had three different sightings of harbor porpoise.  We encountered the local  Pod of Orca whales on the West side of San Juan Island where they regularly feed. I am always excited to see them and today was no exception. When a single Orca surfaced and blew within 20 feet of where I was standing on the deck I never raised the camera! I just stood there admiring its white markings and marveling at its size. I was so stunned, I did the same thing a few minutes later when another surfaced in front of the boat. I did finally snap a shot and caught a small individual as it surfaced  on our starboard.


  1. My goal is to take some better Orca photos!

  2. Hi Lindy,

    Glad to see you are underway. How fortunate to be greeted by the Orcas! Jan G.
